Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Perk me Up!

i have been super duper unbelievably slack... lazy bones just invaded through me... been really busy at work and back in spore too.... alrite.. i'm jus slack.. :P

Strolling leisurely down the trendy streets of Perth.....some english pubby signs for lunchie caught my eye...

haa.. love this jesty slogan hanging outside a pub cafe in Perth...

Defintely my MUST HAVE when i fly through Perth... deary Mic recommended it to me.. and for sure i have been fully addicted ever since... its similar to icekachang.. but the ice has been flavoured with milk and fruits * u get ur pick fr mangos, choco, strawberries.. ohhh the list goes on!! * and its ohhhh so soft n gentle... just like snow n cotton candy !! melts in ur mouth.... i'm a big undying fan of strawberry flavour!

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh YUM!! Simply Heaven...!